"To give anything less than your best, is to sacrifice the gift."
Steve Prefontaine
"No man was ever wise by chance."
Seneca Quote

If you do not give your best in ever experience, then you are only mediocre. You should never strive to be average. Every thing that you do, every chance that you take and every choice that you make will give you experience. This makes you wiser with every day that you live.
Lately, I have realized, because I have been told that I am a very kind-hearted person. Within the last week, three different people have said that, people who are not my family or my boyfriend. One person is my new roommate and even though we live together it has only been 3 months. One is a friend of mine who we were talking about a mutual friend and how much they take for granted. The last person, is a guy who is the former bartender and new kitchen manager at my regular bar. It was just so surprising to hear it from him because we had never really talked before. But I showed up to meet a few friends the other night and he was there, just getting off shift and we really talked. It was really nice.
So I give my all when it comes to my kindness. "Have courage and be kind." (Cinderella 2015) ** I saw an early screening of this on Tuesday. It was pretty good!**
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